Finding My New Normal

>> Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ever since we have moved into our new home my life has been turned upside down. It seems I can never get on top of everything and feel like I've had non productive days. Since moving in I/we have...

.... been to California for Spring Break
.... had my parents in town for Easter
.... had a garage sale
.... reregistered for college
.... had my mom come back out
.... went to New York for the week
.... have continued to unpack and get organized

let alone all of the other daily things. I have rarely cooked a meal in our new kitchen because we seem to be constantly on the go. I'm guessing this may be my new normal, with the kids getting older and having more activities and not to mention with the 12 credit hours I'll be taking come August. I'm going to have to learn how to do laundry everyday and make premade dinners....SCARY!

Push that thought to the back of my head.

Anyway, the trip to the east coast was wonderful. We got to see family and Spring. Living in Arizona you see some things bloom but not to the extent they are up there. It was just beautiful. I was taking pictures like crazy, enjoying all of the blooming trees and plants. Sad thing is I left my camera in Connecticut. I'm hoping to get it back by next week. So until then I will just have to write.

To prepare for a week with no new pictures here is a collection of what I took this past week.


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